selected conferences
OM Benkarim, G Sanroma, G Piella, I Rekik, N Hahner, E Eixarch, MA González Ballester, D Shen and G Li: Revealing regional associations of cortical folding alterations with in utero ventricular dilation using joint spectral embedding. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI (2018)
G Sanroma, L Rutten-Jacobs, V Lohner, J Kramme, S Mukherjee, M Reuter, T Stoecker and MMB Breteler: SCCA-ref: Novel sparse canonical correlation analysis with reference to discover independent spatial associations between white matter hyperintensities and atrophy. Machine Learning in Medical Imaging - MLMI (2018)
M Nuñez-Garcia, X Zhuang, G Sanroma, L Li, L Xu, C Butakoff and O Camara: Left atrial segmentation combining multi-atlas whole heart labeling and shape-based atlas selection. Statistical Atlases and Computational Modelling of the Heart Workshop - STACOM (2018)
J Xia, C Zhang, F Wang, OM Benkarim, G Sanroma, G Piella, MA González Ballester, N Hahner, E Eixarch, D Shen and G Li: Fetal Cortical Parcellation Based on Growth Patterns. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - ISBI (2018)
A Valero, C Butakoff, O Camara, M Nuñez-García, S Tassani, G Piella, MA González Ballester, JD Gispert, C Falcón, JL Molinuevo and G Sanroma: Characterizing Hippocampal Morphology as a Function of ApoE4 Allele Load in Healthy Middle-Aged Individuals. Congress of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology - ESMRMB (2017). Oral
M Cortés, C Butakoff, O Camara, M Nuñez, S Tassani, G Piella, MA González Ballester, R Tudela, G Soria, E Muñoz-Moreno and G. Sanroma: Longitudinal Shape Analysis of Hippocampus in an Experimental Model of Alzheimer´s Disease. Congress of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology - ESMRMB (2017)
N Hahner, OM Benkarim, G Piella, G Sanroma, VA Zimmer, B Puerto, E Gratacos, MA González Ballester and E Eixarch: Automatic evaluation of cortical folding patterns in isolated ventriculomegaly. Congress of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (2017)
G Sanroma, OM Benkarim, G Piella and MA González Ballester: Building an ensemble of complementary segmentation methods by exploiting probabilistic estimates. Machine Learning in Medical Imaging - MLMI (2016). Oral
OM Benkarim, G Piella, MA González Ballester and G Sanroma: Enhanced probabilistic label fusion by estimating label confidences through discriminative learning. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI (2016). Oral
- G Sanroma, OM Benkarim, G Piella, G Wu, X Zhu, D Shen and MA González Ballester: Discriminative dimensionality reduction for patch-based label fusion. Machine Learning Meets Medical Imaging - MLMI (2015). Oral
G Sanroma, G Wu, KH Thung, Y Guo and D Shen: Novel multi-atlas segmentation by matrix completion. Machine Learning in Medical Imaging - MLMI (2014)
G Sanroma, G Wu, Y Gao and D Shen: Learning-based atlas selection for multiple-atlas segmentation. Conf Comput Vis Pattern Recognit. - CVPR (2014)
- G Sanroma, G Burghouts and K Schutte: Recognition of long-term behaviors by parsing sequences of short-term actions with a stochastic regular grammar. Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition - SSPR /SPR (2012). Oral
- G Sanroma, R Alquézar and F Serratosa: Smooth simultaneous structural graph matching and point-set registration. Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition - GbRPR (2011). Oral